It's important to adapt your beauty care routine to the fall. – QUINQUE | Antiinflammatory SKINCARE

The beauty gestures to adopt in autumn

Did you know that the beauty gestures that take care of your skin are not the same according to the seasons? Your skincare routine this summer will not be enough to face the first cold. To avoid blurred complexions and weakened skin, it's time to adapt your gestures and your beauty products. We explain everything in our guide.

Why is it important to change your beauty routine in the fall?

After the scorching heat, the salt of the sea and the chlorine of the swimming pools, your skin finds itself confronted with new upheavals. It's the return of the cold, the pollution of the city or stress at work! All of these factors may seem trivial, yet your epidermis is put to the test.

It is important to adapt your beauty care routine to the fall , because your skin does not have the same needs as in summer. It's time to cocoon it and gently prepare for winter. So to avoid chapped lips and tight skin, follow our advice.

Gestures and products to adopt in mid-season

Do you already feel the cold tingling your cheeks in the morning, but you still haven't found your skincare routine? We explain the right steps to take. Discover our selection of natural products to pamper your skin!

1. Cleanse your skin.

Cleansing the skin is an essential step in any season. Autumn is no exception to the rule, since pollution is greater than during the holidays. It is therefore important to opt for a cleansing product that acts deeply, while respecting your skin.

2. Exfoliate your face

The exfoliation is a beauty gesture that allows you to remove the dead cells present on your skin . Performed once or twice a week, it restores radiance and freshness to your complexion. The skin of the face being more fragile in autumn, it is important to choose a product that is not aggressive for your skin.

Quinque's detox mask removes impurities from the skin without drying it out. It contains vegetable charcoal which acts on excess sebum and unclogs blackheads. When rinsing, a light exfoliation removes all the dead cells.

3. Moisturize your skin well

To obtain supple skin, without redness and without tingling sensations, it is essential to moisturize your epidermis well . The first thing to remember is to drink water! It's cooler, but now is not the time to reduce your consumption. Don't wait to be thirsty to hydrate yourself.

Quinque's anti-pollution moisturizing cream is an essential ally to keep your skin hydrated. It is applied during the day to protect the epidermis from urban pollution, but also at night to soothe your skin and repair its natural barrier.

Finally, don't forget to protect the area around your eyes . Our serum is active against digital pollution during the day (blue light from screens), perfect for getting back to work! At night, it gives you a real boost of hydration and drains your pockets.

And you, what are your essential gestures and products in autumn?
